Our mission is to enable each employee within the company to become an actor of change and thus contribute to the evolution of its organisation.

Why use virtual reality?

Through an immersive experience, you will benefit from a direct application of the approaches, methods and tools discussed.

  At the moment of action, our brain does not distinguish between the real and the virtual, which therefore provokes exactly the same emotions as in our daily lives. However, it is precisely these emotions that allow us to anchor and then restore the knowledge required for appropriate behaviour over time… 

Learnia’s views  

1.9. The new paradigms of

the #post-covid era

1.8. Organisational #resilience :

a precondition for sustainability?

1.7. You said

« #Nudge management » ?

1.6. #Inclusion, diversity and equity :

how have they become essential?

1.5. #Behavioural sciences :

catalysts for change…

1.4. The keys to a #loyalty-building

corporate culture

1.3. #Innovation as a

lever for growth

1.2. Well-being or

professional #fulfilment?

1.1. #Efficiency for

performance and well-being