Master fast reading

and retain the essential

Why carry out this training cycle?

Thanks to this training cycle, you will acquire methods and tools to improve your organisation. Beyond these means, you will put in place new behavioural strategies that will allow you to gain in efficiency, to be more productive and finally to develop adequate communication with those around you. These are all keys that will enable you to develop your career more rapidly.


Establish my reader’s profile
Understand the underlying mechanisms of reading
Identify the obstacles to speed reading
Acquire the keys to speed reading
Increase my retention rate
Improve my scores over time




3 days face-to-face / virtual classroom + virtual reality modules = 20 hours of training

Training can be carried out during or outside working hours, in agreement with the company and the attendee.


This course is available in-house or inter-company, at your premises or in our classrooms.


Any employee who wants to save time and improve performance.


Want to acquire the keys to read all types of documents more quickly and increase their ability to reproduce essential information over time.

Acquired skills

After this training, you will know :

Assess my reading and retention speed,
set goals according to the context,
avoid obstacles to speed reading,
read all types of documents quickly,
retrieve the essence of a document,
improve my reading performance over time.

Educational pathway

Upstream e-quiz
Virtual reality
Virtual reality
Downstream e-quiz

*We are committed to maintaining your face-to-face training in a distance learning (virtual classroom) format should circumstances change.


Why spend less time reading?

Increasing amount of information
Accumulating tasks Virtual Reality

How to evaluate my reading speed?

Evaluation methods
My reader profile: speed vs. retention

Impacting factors

Underlying reading processes Virtual Reality
Variations according to the type of document

Reading conditions

Time allowed
Type of document
Reading goals

Barriers to reading

Guided reading

Keys to fast reading

Structure of the document: skimming
Diagonal reading
Locating the fixation points
Spotting/skimming Virtual Reality

Additional difficulties

The multi-level document
The long document

Increasing my retention rate

Extracting the document map
Simultaneous note-taking Virtual reality
Written or spoken notes?
Long-term retention

How to increase my fast reading scores?
Comparison: before/after

Monitoring and assessment

Evaluation of the training by the attendees
Individualised roadmap
Delivery of a certificate at the end of the course, the level of which will depend on the results obtained in the various modules


Available in inter-company or in-house format
Blended learning (classroom or virtual classroom + virtual reality)
Access to ELearnia : an online space to fully live our Digital Experience
Customised support during the implementation process
Directly applicable methods and tools
Proven training
Short-term observable outcomes
Adjustable course on request

Related trainings

Below you will find the courses we recommend for you to complete your learning process: