Learning how to value yourself

Why carry out this training cycle?

Thanks to this training cycle, you will acquire methods and tools to improve your organisation. Beyond these means, you will put in place new behavioural strategies that will allow you to gain in efficiency, to be more productive and finally to develop adequate communication with those around you. These are all keys that will enable you to develop your career more rapidly.


Ensure that my professional investment is recognised
Knowing how to put forward my performance and my assets
Mastering the non-verbal and emotional side of my presentation
Anticipate the reactions of my interlocutor
Contribute to the image of my company
Accelerate my career progress




3 days face-to-face / virtual classroom + virtual reality modules = 20 hours of training

Training can be carried out during or outside working hours, in agreement with the company and the attendee.


This course is available in-house or inter-company, at your premises or in our classrooms.


Any employee who finds it difficult to value his or her participation and/or wishes to promote his or her career.


Wanting to acquire the keys to value oneself in a professional context.

Acquired skills

After this training, you will know :

identify and overcome the blocks that prevent you from asserting yourself,
put yourself at your best physically,
enhance your performance,
stand out in a group,
adopt the right posture according to the person you are talking to,
get noticed by strategic people.

Educational pathway

Upstream e-quiz
Virtual reality
Virtual reality
Downstream e-quiz

*We are committed to maintaining your face-to-face training in a distance learning (virtual classroom) format should circumstances change.


Why value yourself?

A universal need
A contribution to my career progress

The obstacles

The habits and customs of my country of origin
My education
Fear of rejection
How to overcome them? What is my true potential?

Physical enhancement

Dress, hairstyle, make-up…
The appropriate style: perceived image / desired image Virtual Reality
Maintenance activities
Presence / charisma

Enhancing my performance

The prerequisites for expression
Highlighting my strengths
Finding the right words
Being synthetic
Non-verbal: postures, gestures, mimics…
Effects of primacy and recency
Generating support Virtual Reality

And my weak points?

Valuing myself in a group

Controlling my stress
Adapting to my audience Virtual Reality
Making the most of my participation
Using the right words
Being supportive

Valuing myself with the hierarchy

Maintaining contact
Putting my voice down
Getting to the point Virtual Reality
The mirror effect
Beyond expectations

In the long term

Getting into condition
On a daily basis

Monitoring and assessment

Evaluation of the training by the attendees
Individualised roadmap
Delivery of a certificate at the end of the course, the level of which will depend on the results obtained in the various modules


Available in inter-company or in-house format
Blended learning (classroom or virtual classroom + virtual reality)
Access to ELearnia : an online space to fully live our Digital Experience
Customised support during the implementation process
Directly applicable methods and tools
Proven training
Short-term observable outcomes
Adjustable course on request

Related trainings

Below you will find the courses we recommend for you to complete your learning process: