Reclaim your time:

manage your time and deadlines without stress

Why carry out this training cycle?

Time is one of the only resources that cannot be regained. Once it is gone, it is lost forever. So it is up to us to convert it before the deadline. Thus, time management can be synonymous with performance and professional accomplishment. This implies taking a step back to create a dynamic that combines proactivity and efficiency.

Through this training cycle, you will acquire methods and tools to improve your organization. Beyond these means, you will put in place new behavioural strategies that will allow you to gain in efficiency, be more productive, and finally develop adequate communication with those around you. These are all keys that will enable you to develop your career more quickly.


Identify sources of inefficiency
Acquire the tools and methods to improve performance
Interacting to better meet deadlines
Boosting energy to accomplish planned tasks
Set up an efficient and sustainable daily organisation




3 days face-to-face / virtual classroom + virtual reality modules = 20 hours of training

Training can be carried out during or outside working hours, in agreement with the company and the attendee.


This course is available in-house or inter-company, at your premises or in our classrooms.


All employees wishing to optimise their time management in a sustainable way.


The desire to learn time management skills in order to improve performance and/or reduce stress.

Acquired skills

After this training, you will know :

manage your time and priorities to become more efficient,
manage emergencies and unforeseen events,
anticipate stress,
maintain more fluid relationships with those around you,
collaborate appropriately with your teams.

Educational pathway

Upstream e-quiz
Virtual reality
Virtual reality
Downstream e-quiz

*We are committed to maintaining your face-to-face training in a distance learning (virtual classroom) format should circumstances change.


What is my time management profile?

Analysis of a typical day and working week
Personal productivity and disturbance curves
My time thieves

What are my reasons for doing this?

My chronobiological rhythm
My patterns and influences
My limiting beliefs
And procrastination Virtual reality

What are the implications?

What goals do I set myself now? And what will I gain?      

How can I change my behaviour? Methods and tools

Delegating and empowering
How do I handle my emails?
Reducing distracting activities and interruptions Virtual reality
Identifying the flow and how to provoke it  

Prioritising requests
Providing room for manoeuvre
Mastering planning tools 
Taking the time to save time

Staying calm in any situation Virtual reality
Recovering in a few moments
Working with less energy

How to anchor these changes in time?

Self-discipline and motivation
Routine and automation
The Kaizen method Virtual reality
Monitoring tools
Team strength
My time creating card

Monitoring and assessment

Evaluation of the training by the attendees
Individualised roadmap
Delivery of a certificate at the end of the course, the level of which will depend on the results obtained in the various modules


Available in inter-company or in-house format
Blended learning (classroom or virtual classroom + virtual reality)
Access to ELearnia : an online space to fully live our Digital Experience
Customised support during the implementation process
Directly applicable methods and tools
Proven training
Short-term observable outcomes
Adjustable course on request




3 days face-to-face / virtual classroom + virtual reality modules = 20 hours of training

Training can be carried out during or outside working hours, in agreement with the company and the attendee.


This course is available in-house or inter-company, at your premises or in our classrooms.


To be agreed upon

Related trainings

Below you will find the courses we recommend for you to complete your learning process: